DIY: Sharpie Mugs!

This is truly one of the easiest DIY projects of all time. And one of the cheapest!

Making DIY sharpie mugs is super quick and easy. They're cheap and they make perfect gifts for your loved ones.

This Super Mario Mug was made by me from a soup mug from the Dollar Tree. I have had a huge sharpie collection for as long as I can remember, so all I needed to buy was the actual mug itself.

The best way to create any kind of Sharpie mug is to simply draw your masterpiece on the mug, let it dry for 48 hours, and then bake it in your oven. While there's tons of methods on Pinterest, I recommend baking it at 300 degrees for about an hour. This allows the color to really cook onto the mug, without wearing down the color too much.

I think it's obvious to say that when you wash your new, beautiful mug, be sure to wash it gently. I haven't tested mine in a dishwasher yet, so stayed tuned for another mug post, and we'll find out!

As many of you know, I have two cats who I adore more than anyone in the world, Ebony and Athena.

So, OF COURSE I had to make a mug in their honor. 

I wrote their names on it and also drew a nose on the front of it (so, as you can see, when I hold it up to my face, it almost looks like I've got a cat nose). 

I guess that's really it for today! There wasn't much to say, but I really wanted to show you guys some pictures of my mugs. 

Have you ever created a Sharpie mug?! Let me know all about it in the comments below!

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