I wanted to show you guys one of the cutest/easiest/cheapest baby-shower-gift DIY projects of all time! This is one of those projects that's actually perfect if you're not super crafty.
I made this for my future sister-in-law back in April (and I saved the photos because I was planning on launching this blog for a while now). I found the idea on Pinterest (obviously) but changed it up a bit to suit my liking! Usually, cupcakes boxes just have cupcakes in them, but I wanted to add a few more things inside. Besides, the box was pretty big and had a lot of extra room.
So, if you want to make a box similar to this one, here's what you'll need:
- Four onesies (You can get a cute pack of four for super cheap at Walmart!)
- Three bibs (Guess what? You can also get three-pack bibs from Walmart!)
- Four pairs of baby mittens (Hats can be used, too. Find mittens here.)
- A pair of baby booties/shoes/slippers (These ones are cute!)
- Four standard-size cupcake baking cups (I'm clearly Walmart-happy)
- A cupcake box (be sure to get one that holds no more than four cupcakes!)
- Four small rubber bands (clear hair rubber bands are best!)
- One ribbon
- A piece of construction paper or tag
Okay, now that you've got all of your supplies, you've got to make your cupcakes!
To make these cupcakes, you have to roll each onesie up with a pair of mittens inside. Make sure the mittens are sticking out of the top after you roll it. Then, wrap a clear rubber bands around them and put them inside of the cupcake cups!
Once you've got your four cupcakes, you need to simply put everything in your box. I started with the three bibs.
Then, I put the slippers inside, right in the middle.
After that, I put the cupcakes in the four corners.
And voila! You've got your completed cupcake box!
Then, I created a tag with construction paper and wrapped a ribbon around the box with the tag. After that, I wrote the 'contents' of the box on the corner, as seen below:
And that's it! You've got a cheap, easy, thoughtful DIY onesie cupcake box!
Try to color-coordinate everything inside of the box; it looks a lot better that way. ;)
Would you try to make this for someone's baby shower? If you have, tell me all about it in the comment section below! Also, be sure to share photos of your projects with me on my Facebook page.
As always, thank you for reading! I hope to see you again soon!
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